Step 1 of 5: Tell us about your funeral details:
If you have had a death please do telephone us, whatever time of day or night, please do not wait for a response from the website.
Please note:
This price covers the A.W. Lymn The Family Funeral Service charges only. Third party charges will apply, and these are the same regardless of which Funeral Directors are selected. These can include Cremation Fees, Burial Fees, Minister or Celebrant Fees and Doctors etc.
Is this funeral required now? (Please select no if you are planning for yourself or someone in the future)
Do you need transportation and care of the deceased? *
What's this?Do you need transportation and care of the deceased? *
The provision of up to two staff at any time day or night to move the deceased from any address to our premises, or to another location as requested by H.M. Coroner, and then to our premises at a later date up to a maximum of 100 running miles. The price includes the use of a suitable vehicle, all necessary protective clothing for the staff, a Ferno-Washington American Ambulance-type stretcher and cover, disposable sheets and identity bracelets as required. Also holding the deceased in a cold room facility for up to a month and as and when required, staff to assist with the examination by doctors.
Excess mileage on the collection of the deceased will be charged at £1.00 per mile travelled in excess of 100 miles.
Plus ferry and toll charges and when an overnight stay is necessary subsistence and hotel charges.
Do you need our professional services? *
What's this?Do you need our professional services? *
Our professional services options include:
Do you need to make use of the Chapel of Rest? *
What's this?Do you need to make use of the Chapel of Rest? *
The use of a Chapel of Rest on any single working day or part thereof.
The prices include the provision of an attendant for visitation by appointment during normal office hours to accompany visitors to view the deceased or to spend time with the closed coffin in the visitation room when viewing is not selected.
Step 2 of 5: Choose your hearse - (Have a browse through our range below)
Traditional Hearses
Bespoke Hearses
Hearses and Limousines For Children
Horse Drawn Hearses
Motorcycle Hearses
Your chosen hearse is:
Do you require any passenger vehicles?
Your chosen passenger vehicle is:
Step 3 of 5: Choose your coffin - (Have a browse through our range below)
Quality Veneer
Superior Veneer
The Country Range
The Woodland Range
The Reflection Range
Traditional Solid Hardwood Coffins
The Last Supper Range
Traditional Solid Hardwood Caskets
Budget North American Caskets
American Wood Caskets
Prestige American Caskets
Children’s Coffins
Coffin Furniture
Your chosen coffin is:
Step 4 of 5: Choose your flowers - (Have a browse through our range below)
Bespoke Designs
Children Tributes
Coffin Sprays
Cut Flowers
Floral Sprays
Your chosen flowers are:
Step 5 of 5: Your estimated quote
Your estimated funeral cost is: £
Please note:
This price covers the A.W. Lymn The Family Funeral Service charges only. Third party charges will apply, and these are the same regardless of which Funeral Directors are selected. These can include Cremation Fees, Burial Fees, Minister or Celebrant Fees and Doctors etc.
Contact A.W. Lymn Submit your details below, and we'll be in touch to discuss your estimated quote in more detail
Price for this product is to be reviewed by the A.W.Lymn Team, and isn't included in the estimated quote
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